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Stefano Pallanti's Books

Dr. Stefano Pallanti is a Physician, Professor of Psychiatry and Author. His books include a manual for American Psychiatric Publishing. In addition, he has contributed chapters to many psychiatry manuals.

The Body in the Mind - Exercise Addiction, Body Image and the Use of Enhancement Drugs

Exercise today is a means to reach aesthetic ideals and can turn into a pathological addiction. Dr. Stefano Pallanti co-authored Chapter 2 entitled "rom exercise to addiction: the fitspirational era of image and performance-enhancement".

Neurosport: Cervello quantico ed energia applicata al movimento

Comparing our biological system to the universe and starting from the studies of Roger Penrose, we analyzed the macroscopic aspect of the motor gesture in its aesthetic form (sports and motor skills) and related it with the help of quantum physics to the behavior of the body's intrinsic microscopic phenomena.

Autism Spectrum Disorders (english version, 2nd ed.)

Recently published the 2nd Edition of the book "Textbook of Autism Spectrum Disorders". Dr. Stefano Pallanti contributed chapter 40 entitled "Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation", which discusses the use of TMS in autism spectrum disorders.

I disturbi dello spettro dell’autismo (italian version, 1st ed.)

Dr. Stefano Pallanti contributed to the writing of a chapter on Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Autism that he presented at an American Psychiatric Association Meeting symposium in May 2018.

Autism Spectrum Disorders (english version, 1st ed.)

Dr. Stefano Pallanti contributed to the writing of a chapter on Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Autism that he presented at an American Psychiatric Association Meeting symposium in May 2018.

Ossessioni e compulsioni: Le ritualità propiziatorie tra neuroscienze, demonologia e psicoterapia

Four authors, four scientific and religious perspectives to discuss an ancient problem, but one that occurs more often than we imagine even in modernity: magical-religious propitiatory Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD).

The Burden of Adult ADHD in Comorbid Psychiatric and Neurological Disorders

This book emphasizes the importance of investigating ADHD in adults with attention difficulties, poor memory, and poor executive function. Identifying ADHD in adults with other psychiatric and neurological disorders will lead to better response to treatment and, consequently, a reduction in the social, economic, and personal burdens caused by these disorders.

Psichiatria e Salute Comportamentale

Psichiatria e Salute Comportamentale is a groundbreaking volume on psychiatry that crosses the boundaries of current classification systems to extend coverage to the latest international research evidence, from neuroscience to pharmacology.

BAARS-IV (italian ed.)

Prof. Stefano Pallanti and Dr. Luana Salerno of the Istituto di Neuroscienze edited the Italian edition of the assessment tool for ADHD in adults: BAARS-IV (Barkley Adult ADHD Rating Scale-IV).

Psichiatria Elementare: Oltre il DSM-5

This volume refers to the fifth version of the most widely used classification system in psychiatry: the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), while intending to transcend its boundaries to extend beyond its treatment.

Psichiatria Elementare (1st ed.)

This text stems from an established experience of teaching and scientific rigor and aims to present psychiatry, in all its aspects, with clarity and in an entirely accessible way, precisely with a wide and diverse readership in mind.

Oltre la schizofrenia: I progressi delle neuroscienze per superare i preconcetti e la malattia

"Oltre la Schizofrenia" aims to break some established beliefs about Schizophrenia, beliefs and customs that are widespread not only at the popular level, but also at the medical and professional level.

Clinical Manual for Treatment of Schizophrenia

This comprehensive volume, while never underestimating the incalculable damage that schizophrenia can inflict, nevertheless maintains hope in the future of neuroscientific research and the progress being made in the diagnosis and treatment of the disease.

Psichiatria elementare

This book is aimed at a diverse audience and has been compiled with certain priority requirements in mind: clarity, small size, and coverage of important and useful topics even for non-medics interested in the subject.

Le Emergenze Psichiatriche in Medicina

This handbook seeks to provide in a clear and usable way useful knowledge for the acute management of the patient with psychiatric disorders and is intended as an aid to the patient himself, who too often is forced to fight a double battle: against the disease and against the difficulty of not being understood.

La Cura del Paziente con Disturbo Ossessivo Compulsivo Resistente

This book aims to provide clinicians the results of research conducted by our research group (Dr. Stefano Pallanti and Dr. Larry Koran) and others, which we find useful in improving ala care of patients with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, particularly with very resistant forms.

Vivere con le voci ― Vivere nel silenzio

In this concise book, Dr. Stefano Pallanti outlines advances in neuroscience to overcome misconceptions and disease.

Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder

Important new book from Oxford University Press in which Dr. Pallanti contributed the 9th chapter "Incompleteness and Harm Avoidance in OCD". The volume summarizes the current scientific knowledge on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in a language complensible to all.

Stress? No Grazie, sono resiliente!

If few people really know what is meant by the term "Stress", even fewer know the mechanisms that regulate it and the damage it can cause if it becomes chronic! Setting aside home remedies, there is a solution that already lies within each of us and is called "Resilience".

Autism Spectrum Disorders

Dr. Stefano Pallanti contributed a chapter entitled "Psychotropic Treatment of Autism."

Manuale di Psichiatria

"A very important impetus for us was the hope that we would be able to write a text that was fairly complete and up-to-date and, above all, capable of presenting itself to medical students, in terms of its size and clarity, as a useful tool for preparing for the Psychiatry exam."

Pathological Gambling: A Clinical Guide to Treatment

The first comprehensive summary of current knowledge on pathological gambling, a serious public health problem.