Research Center
Through our Research Center, we are consistently engaged in scientific research that provides an essential contribution to the advancement of the neuropsychiatric and psychological literature.
In addition, we organize and offer educational activities and scientific meetings addressed to health professionals, health care facilities, and companies.
Centro di Neurologia, Psichiatria e Psicologia Clinica Srl
Centro di Neurologia, Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology Ltd. is an institution recognized by the Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) ― Registration of an Institutional Review Board (IRB) ― which has been assigned a Federal Wide Assurance number (FWA) authorizing it to conduct the following activities:
Research involving human subjects conducted or supported by the Department of Health and Human Services, or other federal departments or agencies that apply the Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects to such research;
Clinical investigations regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the Department of Health and Human Services.
Our Center actively collaborates with multiple academic institutions and specialization training facilities, offering internship agreements in the following areas:
Post-graduate internship for admission to the State Examination for Licensure as a Psychologist.
Specialization internship in Psychotherapy.
Clinical Neurosciences ONLUS
Clinical Neurosciences ONLUS is a non-profit organization registered since 2003 headquartered at 12 Via Dè Fossi (Florence), Tax Code 94111500487, and affiliated with the Istituto di Neuroscienze of Dr. Stefano Pallanti, its legal representative.
Clinical Neurosciences ONLUS represents the study, research and training center of the Istituto di Neuroscienze, within which the research that is applied to the individualized care offered by our Institute is carried out. In addition, all training activities and scientific events promoted by the Istituto di Neuroscienze are held at Clinical Neurosciences ONLUS.
Clinical Neurosciences ONLUS is a non-political association with the primary goal of promoting education as a tool for the prevention of neuro-psychiatric disorders, teaching, clinical and experimental research (including pharmacological trials, observational studies, psychometric studies, and other clinical studies), training, and international educational collaborations in the field of clinical neuroscience. In addition, Clinical Neurosciences ONLUS provides medical and psychological assistance to disadvantaged people due to physical, psychological, socio-familial or economic conditions.
The association is committed to undertake and carry out any lawful initiative for the direct or indirect pursuit of the primary purpose.
Board Members
Stefano Pallanti
Florence, Italy
Eric Hollander
New York, USA
Nikos Makris
Boston, USA
Sponsored and organized research activities
Cultural Network
"Five per thousand" allocation
Every year it is possible to allocate the italian "five per thousand" to support Clinical Neurosciences ONLUS, indicating the Tax Code 94111500487 in the space provided on the Income Tax Return form.
Choosing to allocate the five per thousand does not result in any cost to the taxpayer and is not an alternative to the italian "eight per thousand".