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- 02 January 2020

Precision Diagnosis and Specialized Care

At the Istituto di Neuroscienze, we offer in-depth diagnostic pathways using advanced multidisciplinary diagnostic tools and personalized multimodal care derived from the latest neuroscience research data.

Learn more about our neuroscience-based Precision Diagnosis and Specialized Care pathway.

Most of the patients who come to Dr. Stefano Pallanti have already undergone treatments without their having resolved the problem, which has often proven resistant to treatment.

They arrive with partial diagnoses or even without a true diagnosis. They report experiences in which, after the interview with doctors, they pass to the prescribed treatment without thorough, psychometric or neurofunctional evaluations. Very often physicians prescribe treatments that lack a structured diagnosis.

Symptoms are not in themselves the diagnosis

The goals of treatment must be shared and directed at the causes of the disorder. Therefore, having a precise diagnosis provides the first step toward successful treatment.

Psychiatry requires moving from studying traditionally classified diagnoses to understanding the constructs and mechanisms involving certain brain circuits specifically defined for each maladaptive behavior (Cuthbert & Insel, 2013; Insel et al., 2010).

The same symptom, as reported by the patient, could be the expression of different mechanisms.

For example, the symptom of Depressed Mood takes on different meanings in the context of ADHD, Autism, Anxiety, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Substance Disorder, Somatic Pain Disorder, Fibromyalgia, PANDAS, Parkinson's, Schizophrenia, and other conditions.

Furthermore, the care must be centered on the person, his or her, individual biological characteristics but also the person’s individual life history.

Specialized Psychiatry based on Neuroscience

Throughout medicine, different and progressive levels of specialist care receive definition, but in the field of psychiatry these concepts still find little application.

The definition of the “personalized diagnosis” provides the first step of this evolution.

In fact, in addition to the clinical definition of any disorder, physicians must necessarily define its specifiers, the characteristics of the development of the disorder, the neuro-functional correlates, with particular attention to cognitive functioning and the inflammatory response.

All these factors cannot be accounted for in the interview alone but require the use of psychometric tools which can be followed by functional assessments.

This first step takes us from General Psychiatry to Specialist Psychiatry, or the second level, and then to the Neuroscientific, or the third level.

What are the tools to achieve precision diagnosis?

The Istituto di Neuroscienze offers precision diagnosis through level II and III tools:

I Level: General Psychiatry

― Clinical interview

II Level: Specialized Psychiatry

― Subtype diagnosis;

― Definition of specifiers;

― An objective gravity measurement;

― Attribution of a degree of resistance;

― Evaluation of comorbidities;

― Psychodiagnostic evaluations;

― Psychometric assessments

― Neurofunctional evaluations;

― Assessments of cognitive functions;

― Rating scale for the quantification of symptoms;

― Multidisciplinary evaluation with an Immunologist, Neurologist, Rheumatologist and other specialists, depending on the specific case.

III Level: Neuroscientific Psychiatry

― Metabolic and immunological evaluations;

― Inflammation ratings;

― Gut-screening;

― EEG, ECG, P300, PET, MRI;

― Blood tests;

― Plasma level tests;

― Genetic tests for pharmacological response;

― Challenge test for verifying the tolerability of medicine;

― Study of Sleep Habits.

Multimodal Personalized Care

The reduction to a single therapeutic technique is overcome by the Pallanti Method's approach, which combines Multidisciplinary and Multimodal treatments suitable for everyone: Neuromodulation Therapy, Pharmacological Therapy, Psychotherapies, Pharma-Standard Supplements, Natural Cures, Mindfulness, and anything else that has been scientifically documented effective.

The approach constitutes, therefore, an interdisciplinary method to allow the use of every therapeutic resource useful for a specific person.

This new culture overpowers any potential conflict between medicines, technological therapies, and psychotherapy. In science, this conflict does not exist. The Pallanti Method therefore uses all useful treatments for patients who refer to the Istituto di Neuroscienze.

Neuroscience Evidence-Based Therapies

The Istituto di Neuroscienze was founded by Dr. Stefano Pallanti, to translate research into care.

It offers innovative evidence-based treatments approved by science that will give patients, families and their treating physicians a concept to share and refer to in the treatment process.

We know that documented scientific data regarding the effectiveness of a new treatment will take about 17 years before Administrative Agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) include them in their guidelines (Harvard Business Review).

During this long period of time, scientific research produces new advances day after day: consequently, a large gap is created between approved treatments and those not yet approved but scientifically tested and proven to be effective (off-label treatments).

Dr. Pallanti of the Istituto di Neuroscienze acquires research concepts every day; and, if the clinical picture requires it, he proposes evidence-based off-label treatments in accordance with the latest international scientific evidence.

Therefore, these are not experimental treatments but treatments that have been tested and chosen only because they prove the most suitable for that specific person.

The mission of the Istituto di Neuroscienze means to offer treatments by translating all the latest neuroscientific evidence into therapeutic principles.

Only in research contexts, such as the Istituto di Neuroscienze, where you have an open and participatory mentality, is it possible to propose the latest concepts of neuroscience (evidence-based-treatment).

Our Therapies

Neuromodulation Therapies

Neuromodulation Therapies represent an advantageous alternative to traditional medical treatments because they can be combined with each other and associated with additional medical and psychological therapies in order to achieve a highly personalized treatment.

Moreover, they are free of side effects. Read more in this page!

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Intravenous Therapy (IV Therapy)

For the treatment of Depression, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Anxiety, Cognitive Disorders, and cases of drug resistance. Compared with traditional therapies, it allows greater tolerability, fewer side effects, and a generally shorter response time.

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Check out the Mindfulness course organized by professionals from the Istituto di Neuroscienze to learn how to manage emotions, increase awareness, calm the mind and increase your bodily and mental well-being.

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Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

EMDR is highly effective for those who have experienced traumatic or highly stressful events. Learn how its application makes the psychotherapeutic approach even more useful. 

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Coaching is a path of personal development aimed at everyone, but it is crucial for adults with ADHD.

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Light Therapy

Light Therapy uses exposure to bright light that can restore the balance between melatonin and serotonin through optic nerve stimulation, regularizing circadian sleep-wake rhythms, improving mood, appetite, and sleep quality.

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Our Treatment Plans


What is Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and what are the most common symptoms? Find out on this dedicated page.

The Istituto di Neuroscienze is a center of excellence for the diagnosis and treatment of Life-Span ADHD that includes preschool children through adults.

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Anxiety and Anxiety Disorders

Dr. Stefano Pallanti is an Expert in Anxiety for the World Health Organization and one of the world's earliest pioneers ― since 2005 ― in the use of Neuromodulation Therapies for the treatment of Anxiety Disorders.

The Istituto di Neuroscienze offers the most advanced and innovative therapeutic options for the treatment of these disorders.

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Autism is not a disease in itself, but is a condition of Neuro-immune diversity that can become dysfunctional in relation to pervasiveness, severity, and environmental response. Therefore, it is possible to treat dysfunctions but not cure them.

It is difficult to generalize about therapies, and each therapy must be evaluated individually.

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Behavioral Addictions

The new forms of addiction: Gambling, Internet, Shopping and Pornography.

Find out what they consist of and what can be done to treat them!

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Treatment for Depression integrates many different skills and must be carried out by specially trained specialists. The treatments generally offered often do not work because the specific subtype of depression and other comorbid disorders are not considered.

At the Istituto di Neuroscienze, we offer person-centered treatment for depression based on individualized diagnosis and integrated with natural cures.

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OCD and Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders

Dr. Pallanti is one of the leading experts on Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in the world.

The Istituto di Neuroscienze integrates a variety of treatment methods that have proven successful in treating Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders: Neuromodulation Therapies, Pharmacological Therapies, Psychotherapy and Natural Therapies.

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