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News & Blog

Read all the latest articles and news regarding the activities of Dr. Stefano Pallanti, the Istituto di Neuroscienze, and research findings regarding the fields of psychiatry, neurology, and neuropsychiatry.

12 July 2024

A manifesto against sedentarism

Dr. Stefano Pallanti and Dr. Roberto Piga present the Manifesto against Sedentarism to fight the risks associated with physical inactivity, promoting healthy lifestyles and collective initiatives.

LET'S MEET! Let's invent something to do together against sedentarism!

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01 July 2024

Summer School on Affective Neuroscience ― 2024

On July 3, 2024, Dr. Pallanti delivered a lecture at the Summer School on Affective Neuroscience on the use of TMS in the personalized treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders.

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19 June 2024

ECNP-OCRN-ICOCS Training Masterclass 2024

As a leading global expert on OCD, Dr. Stefano Pallanti gave lectures at the Training Masterclass on Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders that took place from June 19th to 23rd, 2024 in Taormina, Sicily. He delivered two significant presentations focusing on PANDAS and the treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders.

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13 June 2024

Biennial course on Anxiety Disorders organized by the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology

A unique opportunity to expand your knowledge and experience in the field of Anxiety Disorders.

Dr. Stefano Pallanti took a lecture on Neuromodulation Therapies during the 4th module of the course.

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14 May 2024

European Research for Action Against Internet Addiction in the Post Covid-19 Era

More than 5 million euro for the next 5 years: The EU will finance 22 university centers in 14 European countries, the most important research centers in the field of prevention of psychopathology. Among these, the Institute of Neuroscience, the only institution from Italy.

LET US UNITE! Join this initiative: Let us invent something to do together!

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07 May 2024

Dr. Pallanti's Talk at the 2024 Masterclass in Pain Medicine

On May 7th, 2024, Dr. Pallanti spoke at the 14th edition of the Masterclass in Pain Medicine organized by Advanced Algology Research in collaboration with the Quality of Life Foundation, offering an evening Talk entitled "Anti-neuro-inflammatory Effects of Psychoactive Drugs."

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01 April 2024

"Fanfani Neuroscienze": The New Center of Excellence for TMS in Tuscany

Discover the services offered by the new Neuroscience Point opened at the Fanfani Institute in Florence: Neuromodulation Therapies and Intravenous Infusion Therapy (IV Therapy) for the treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders, improving health and sports performance!

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26 March 2024

CINP Neuromodulation Webinar

Dr. Stefano Pallanti was a speaker at the Neuromodulation Webinar organized by the Early Careers Committee of the International College of Neuropsychopharmacology (CINP), offering a presentation titled "TMS Basic Principles, Clinical Uses, and Research Principles: Toward Precision TMS."

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21 March 2024

Elon Musk and Ketamine: «I use it with a medical prescription»

The statement from Tesla and X CEO Elon Musk in a recent interview with Don Lemon, asserting that the use of the medication under medical prescription helps him alleviate negative mental states similar to Depression.

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19 March 2024

Addictions: The Innovative Therapy Studied by the Istituto di Neuroscienze

A recent study conducted by the Istituto di Neuroscienze and published in the prestigious International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction offers new hope for the treatment of addictions through an innovative therapy with Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS).

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15 March 2024

3rd International Bioethics Conference: Dr. Pallanti's Lecture

Dr. Stefano Pallanti was a speaker at the 3rd International Bioethics Conference organized by the University of Malta with a lecture entitled “Post-Covid Neuroscience and the Non-Mental Unconscious”.

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14 March 2024

General Meeting of the Swiss Society for ADHD: Experts Meet and Share Knowledge

Dr. Stefano Pallanti ― a leading international expert in the diagnosis and treatment of adult ADHD ― spoke at the General Meeting of the Swiss Society for ADHD. His intervention, entitled "Aging with ADHD," explored the challenges and characteristics of ADHD in adulthood and old age.

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16 February 2024

"Precision TMS": The 3rd ECNP Neuromodulation Group Course on TMS

The third free course on Clinical Neuromodulation organized by the ECNP Neuromodulation Thematic Working Group focused on the application of neuromodulation techniques such as rTMS and Deep TMS in treating neuropsychiatric disorders according to a precision targeting and monitoring approach.

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01 February 2024

2nd International Winter Course & Workshop on Neuroimaging: Brain Connectivity and Mental Health

Dr. Stefano Pallanti joined as a leading international expert in the field of Behavioral Addictions to address the topic concerning the efficacy of TMS in the treatment of these disorders.

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01 February 2024

Treatment-Resistant Anxiety Disorders: A Definition from the World's Leading Researchers

Published in World Psychiatry, the definition of "Treatment-Resistant Anxiety Disorder" given by leading researchers in the field aims to promote research into treatments that overcome resistance to traditional therapies. Dr. Pallanti is part of the multidisciplinary group of experts.

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23 January 2024

University of Cambridge Grand Rounds: Gambling Research Consortium Meeting

A group of the world’s leading researchers gathered for a Grand Round at the University of Cambridge to study new therapies for Pathological Gambling and other Behavioral Addictions.

Dr. Stefano Pallanti held a talk on the efficacy of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS).

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22 November 2023

Behavioral Addictions: Dr. Pallanti's Grand Round at the University of Catania

On November 22, 2023, Dr. Stefano Pallanti joined the "European Frontiers in Neuroscience" seminar series coordinated by Dr. Filippo Drago with a Grand Round regarding the topic "Behavioral Addictions: Prevention and Treatment."

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12 September 2023

4th WASAD International Congress

On September 12 and 13 2023, Dr. Pallanti participated as an expert speaker in the fourth International Congress of the World Association for Anxiety and Related Stress Disorders (WASAD). His talks were on ADHD and PANDAS Syndrome.

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01 August 2023

The Istituto di Neuroscienze becomes a training site for Massachusetts General Hospital

Dr. Stefano Pallanti's Istituto di Neuroscienze has been appointed as the training site for the elective activities of the Massachusetts General Hospital, the teaching hospital of the Harvard Medical School.

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21 July 2023

Gambling Disorder: the new treatment investigated by the Istituto di Neuroscienze

A groundbreaking research by the Istituto di Neuroscienze in collaboration with Harvard University and funded by the National Institute of Health (NIH) paves the way for an innovative and effective treatment for pathological gambling.

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12 July 2023

Healing from Gambling Disorder with TMS: an innovative and effective therapy

Find out what Gambling Disorder is, what are its symptoms and causes, and how it can be cured with Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), an effective therapy that can change the brain circuits involved in addiction.

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03 July 2023

Mind4Children Research Group

Dr. Pallanti is a member of the "Mind4children" research group dedicated to the exploration of the origin of consciousness and the study of neurodevelopment in the early years of life.

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02 July 2023

Summer School on Affective Neuroscience - 2023

On July 5, 2023, Dr. Pallanti spoke at the Summer School on Affective Neuroscience with a lecture on the use of TMS in the treatment of Behavioral Addictions.

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09 June 2023

Human Connectome, RDoC and TMS: lecture by Dr. Pallanti

On June 9, 2023, Dr. Pallanti lectured at the prestigious Universidad de La Laguna (Tenerife) on the topic of "From myths to neuroscience: obsessions as brain connectivity disorders, therapeutic goals and treatment with rTMS."

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19 May 2023

Pope Francis' Healing Thanks to Photo-Bio-Modulation (PBM)

The healing of Pope Francis is an important example of how Photo-Bio-Modulation (PBM) can represent an innovative therapy to heal painful conditions and improve quality of life, offering new hope to millions of people struggling with neurological or psychiatric disorders.

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27 March 2023

Roerich Pact: Respect for culture that inspires Dr. Pallanti

The Roerich Pact and the Banner of Peace represent a crucial message of peace and respect for cultural institutions. This message is particularly relevant today, at a time when mental health and well-being have become increasingly significant issues in our society.

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01 October 2022

Neuromodulation Therapy in Monza

Discover all the services offered by the Neuroscience Center for Health located at the Zucchi Wellness Clinic in Monza (Italy): Neuromodulation Therapies to treat addictions and enhance Sports performance.

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21 September 2022

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Does it rely on genetic or environmental factors?

Understanding the factors that contribute to the development of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a crucial step in developing effective prevention and treatment strategies.

Learn more about the genetic and environmental risk factors associated with OCD.

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29 July 2022

Long COVID: Discovered specific blood markers related to neuropsychiatric symptoms

A recent study has identified some specific biomarkers related to neuropsychiatric symptoms resulting from COVID-19 infection, providing an essential contribution to the diagnosis and treatment of Long COVID.

Read the results of the study!

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19 July 2022

Brain Concussions in Sports and Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy

Find out the possible adverse effects on the brain of concussions in Sports and what methods can be applied to prevent and reduce them.

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28 April 2022

Dr. Pallanti's lecture at the Royal Society of Medicine Webinar

Dr. Stefano Pallanti joined the Webinar organized by the Royal Society of Medicine as a panelist to address the topic "Neuromodulation in Psychiatry: Current Perspectives".

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31 March 2022

Aphasia: What it is, Symptoms, Causes and Treatments

Aphasia is a language disorder that can have a very significant impact on people's ability to communicate. It is important to be able to diagnose and treat it as early as possible to increase the chances of recovery.

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16 October 2021

The connection between PANS-PANDAS and the gut microbiota

Scientific research has shown a potential connection between PANS-PANDAS and the gut microbiota, suggesting that streptococcal infections can alter intestinal bacterial communities, contributing to the onset of PANS-PANDAS symptoms.

Read this article to learn more.

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20 May 2021

Neurodevelopmental Disorders: what they are and how to recognize them

Neurodevelopmental Disorders (NDs) are a broad and varied group of conditions that develop during childhood and adolescence and can persist throughout the entire life span.

Find out more about what they are and how to recognize them!

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15 May 2021

Why refuse medication? It is the disorder that affects your life!

Psychiatric drugs are frequently the target of fear and prejudice, which may cause people to believe that they are harmful or that it is possible to become easily addicted to them.
On this page we analyze the main misconceptions related to these medications, providing accurate and up-to-date information.

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05 May 2021

Theta Burst Stimulation: A new treatment for Resistant Depression approved by the FDA

Discover the Theta Burst Stimulation protocol: an innovative method of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation approved by the FDA for treating Resistant Depression, used by Dr. Pallanti since 2016.

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20 April 2021

Esketamine for Resistant Depression

Discover Esketamine therapy for Treatment-Resistant Depression: a lifesaver for those who haven't responded to other treatments.

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13 January 2021

"Donatello Neuroscienze": the new neuroscience outpatient clinic

Discover the new Clinical Neuroscience Outpatient Clinic "Donatello Neuroscienze": an important new reality for the city of Florence and beyond.

Read more on this page!

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18 November 2020

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) in Bologna

Discover the services offered by our Neuroscience Point opened at the beautiful Villa Baruzziana facility: consultations and supervision by Dr. Stefano Pallanti and Neuromodulation Therapies.

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08 October 2020

Deep TMS in Italy: an innovative and effective treatment

An innovative technique showing promising results in the treatment of various disorders.

Learn more about Deep TMS provided by the Istituto di Neuroscienze!

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17 August 2020

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)

TMS is a non-invasive neuromodulation technique increasingly used to treat a variety of neurological and psychiatric disorders.

Find out what TMS is, how it works, and what its applications are.

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15 July 2020

NeuroCOVID: the cure of the Istituto di Neuroscienze

Learn more about the effects of the Sars-Cov-2 pandemic and which are the most common neurological and psychiatric manifestations through an interview of Dr. Pallanti.

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07 May 2020

Achieving Healing: Yes, It's Possible!

The search for recovery is a common desire among those coping with a mental disorder. However, the treatment process goes beyond simply eliminating symptoms, and healing is made possible through a holistic approach to mental health.

Find out more in this article!

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07 May 2020

Why is my psychiatric treatment not working?

The path to mental well-being can be complex and multifaceted.

Achieving an accurate and comprehensive diagnosis is the first step towards personalized and effective treatment: there are no one-size-fits-all solutions when it comes to psychiatric care.

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02 January 2020

Why doesn't my treatment work?

Very often we interface with people who come to our Center after seeking a variety of treatments that have had no beneficial effect. There are a variety of reasons why this happens, at the root of which lies the uniqueness of each individual and their suffering.

Dr. Stefano Pallanti adopts a method of precision diagnosis that allows to address the specific therapeutic needs of each person through completely personalized treatment paths.

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02 January 2020

How medicines should be used

The choice of proper pharmacological therapy constitutes a complex process aimed at not only the disappearance of symptoms, but also the improvement and prolongation of the individual's life.

To achieve these goals, a course of sequential adaptation of therapy based on the unique and specific characteristics of the person being treated is necessary. The secret to effective pharmacological therapy is personalization of treatment.

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02 January 2020

Precision Diagnosis and Specialized Care

At the Istituto di Neuroscienze, we offer in-depth diagnostic pathways using advanced multidisciplinary diagnostic tools and personalized multimodal care derived from the latest neuroscience research data.

Learn more about our neuroscience-based Precision Diagnosis and Specialized Care pathway.

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02 January 2020

The aim of the treatment in Psychiatry

The purpose of treatment in psychiatry is the improvement of the quality and lengthening of life. The reduction or disappearance of symptoms is not enough.

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02 January 2020

What does "Off-Label" mean?

Dr. Stefano Pallanti uses his notions of advanced clinical research to offer his patients the most innovative and effective therapies ever, around 20 years ahead of hospitals and clinics that rely on outdated guidelines for treatment choice.

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01 January 2020

Remote visits with Dr. Stefano Pallanti via Skype

Since 2008, more than 1,500 patients from all over Italy and Abroad have been using the service of remote visits via Skype with Dr. Stefano Pallanti.

Choose this service too and start your healing journey now, wherever you are!

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