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Behavioral Addictions

The new forms of addiction: Gambling, Internet, Shopping and Pornography.

Find out what they consist of and what can be done to treat them!

What are Behavioral Addictions?

In today's world, behavioral addictions ― including Internet Gaming Disorder ― have become an issue of growing interest and concern. Despite this, in the DSM-5 Internet Gaming Disorder is mentioned as a condition that still requires further study to develop a standard definition of the disorder and collect data on its prevalence.

From a clinical perspective, these new forms of behavioral addiction share many similarities with better known disorders such as Substance Use Disorders and Gambling Disorder. These similarities have led many to commonly use the term "addiction" to describe these conditions.

However, it is critical to emphasize the importance of a clear, evidence-based definition to fully understand these disorders and develop effective treatment approaches. The research group of the Istituto di Neuroscienze has a long-standing commitment to exploring these new challenges, offering hope for those who suffer froma a behavioral addiction and seek help.

Treatment of Behavioral Addictions

The holistic approach of the Istituto di Neuroscienze

Given the growing number of people suffering from a behavioral addiction, there is an increasing urgency to develop cutting-edge treatment programs that can effectively address the disorder. When it comes to dealing with behavioral addiction, a holistic approach such as that taken by Dr. Stefano Pallanti's Istituto di Neuroscienze is essential to ensure treatment success.

➜ First and foremost, Psychological and Motivational Support plays a key role in providing individuals with the skills and motivation they need to face the difficult path out of addiction. Specialized psychologists at the Istituto di Neuroscienze provide a safe environment in which to explore the origins of the disorder and develop effective strategies for change.

➜ In addition to psychological support, Pharmacological Therapy can be a valuable resource for managing behavioral addictions. If well selected and dosed, medications can help reduce withdrawal symptoms and restore brain chemical balance, thereby helping to reduce the desire to enact addictive behaviors.

Neuromodulation Therapies are an innovative treatment option for behavioral addictions that involves the stimulation or inhibition of specific areas of the brain to reduce the impulse toward addictive behaviors. This approach aims to normalize the function of neural circuits involved in behavioral addictions, promoting positive change.

Nutraceuticals, on the other hand, plays a crucial role in supporting overall health during recovery and supporting the achievement of desired therapeutic outcomes. Well-selected supplements can help restore brain circuit function and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression often associated with addiction.

➜ Finally, it is important not to underestimate the importance of family support services. By involving the patient's family members throughout the recovery process, it is possible to create a supportive environment that promotes the changing process for the person engaged in treatment. The understanding and support of the patient's family members can play a key role in the success of behavioral addiction treatment.

The treatment of behavioral addictions requires a multidisciplinary approach that combines different intervention modalities and specialized expertise. Such a comprehensive approach aims to provide people facing behavioral addiction with the best chance of recovery and return to a fulfilling life.

Dr. Pallanti's Credentials

Dr. Stefano Pallanti is a leading expert and researcher on behavioral addiction disorders.

Dr. Pallanti is the author of the PG-YBOCS rating scale: Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale adapted to Behavioral Addiction and Gambling Disorder.

Dr. Pallanti is a faculty member at the International Training School and Conference on Problematic Usage of the Internet at Clare College of Cambridge University. The school consists of a group of experienced researchers on new addictions.

In addition, Dr. Pallanti is Editor in Chief of Archives of Behavioral Addictions.

  • Dr. Pallanti's work in the field of behavioral addictions.

  • Dr. Pallanti is Editor-in-Chief of Archives of Behavioral Addictions.

Dr. Stefano Pallanti's books

Psichiatria Elementare: Oltre il DSM-5

This volume refers to the fifth version of the most widely used classification system in psychiatry: the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), while intending to transcend its boundaries to extend beyond its treatment.

Psichiatria e Salute Comportamentale

Psichiatria e Salute Comportamentale is a groundbreaking volume on psychiatry that crosses the boundaries of current classification systems to extend coverage to the latest international research evidence, from neuroscience to pharmacology.