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- 13 January 2021

"Donatello Neuroscienze": the new neuroscience outpatient clinic

Discover the new Clinical Neuroscience Outpatient Clinic "Donatello Neuroscienze": an important new reality for the city of Florence and beyond.

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"Donatello Neuroscienze" ― The Outpatient Clinic

Thanks to the collaboration between Dr. Pallanti's Istituto di Neuroscienze and Villa Donatello, the new Clinical Neuroscience Outpatient Clinic “Donatello Neuroscienze” has opened its doors: an important new reality for the city of Florence and beyond.

The primary goal of this new healthcare facility is to provide cutting-edge prevention and treatment services for important brain-related pathologies. The main intention of the Outpatient Clinic is to make available to the local population ― particularly in Florence and Tuscany, but with a welcoming approach to those seeking services from other parts of Italy ― a clear point of reference for the treatment of increasingly common pathologies, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Thanks to the collaboration between the Istituto di Neuroscienze and Villa Donatello, the Outpatient Clinic offers innovative and specialized services, elevating the level of care provided to the Tuscan population.

The services of the Outpatient Clinic are accessible at the historic Villa Donatello facility, located at Viale Giacomo Matteotti n. 4 in Florence

"Donatello Neuroscienze" ― What the Outpatient Clinic offers

The collaboration between Villa Donatello and the Istituto di Neuroscienze provides a fundamental advantage for all patients seeking services at the Outpatient Clinic: a comprehensive approach to prevention and therapy within a multidisciplinary facility.

This enables patients to access a wide range of services, from initial consultations to personalized therapeutic sessions. "Donatello Neuroscienze" Outpatient Clinic is equipped with advanced, high-quality diagnostic tools, establishing the center as a primary care excellence for neuro-psychiatric disorders.

The added value of the Outpatient Clinic is determined by the presence of Dr. Stefano Pallanti, who serves as a key and direct point of reference for all patients choosing to utilize the clinic's services. Dr. Pallanti offers innovative treatments based on the latest neuroscientific discoveries, personalized and tailored to each patient through a Precision Diagnosis.

Services operating at the Outpatient Clinic

NeuroCOVID Outpatient Clinic

It is now well established that COVID-19 is not only a respiratory disease, but also attacks other parts of our body, including the cognitive system. New studies and research ― to which Dr. Pallanti has also made an important contribution in a team with other neuroscientists from the world's leading universities ― underscore the importance of early diagnostic activity aimed at avoiding chronicization of symptoms. The decision to activate a specific outpatient clinic on these pathologies stems from the need to perform laboratory tests that require advanced specialized skills.

More information about the service ➜

Cognitive Disorders

The term "Cognitive Disorders" refers to situations in which there is impairment in at least one of our learning abilities, memory, language properties, motor perception, social intelligence, or attention. Those who experience a cognitive disorder initially tend to underestimate what they perceive as momentary and negligible abnormalities: memory lapses, difficulty remembering dates and names, the inability to recall a term. The triggering event may be a specific and important event that significantly affects our body, such as menopause or the presence of diseases such as diabetes. In the presence of these disorders, it is crucial to intervene as early as possible so as to maximize the chances of early recovery.

More information about the service ➜


The effectiveness of treatment for depression is closely linked to the possibility of offering highly specialized services within an advanced, multidisciplinary center. For this reason, Villa Donatello and the Istituto di Neuroscienze have combined their specific features in order to make available to patients the most advanced diagnostic and therapeutic tools and the different professional skills present at the two Florentine centers.

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"Donatello Neuroscienze" ― Main therapies

The "Donatello Neuroscienze" Outpatient Clinic promotes a synergy of multidisciplinary expertise within Villa Donatello facility, offering a wide range of multidisciplinary and multimodal approaches. This integrated approach involves the use of a broad variety of therapies, including:

Contact details and reservations

To ask for information or schedule the services of the outpatient clinic, use the following contact information:

➜ Centro di Neurologia Psichiatria e Psicologia Clinica SrlVia Alfonso Lamarmora, 24 - 50121 Firenze (Italy)

Phone: +39 055 587889Mail: info@istitutodineuroscienze.it

In-depth resources

"Applications of Non-invasive Neuromodulation for the Management of Disorders Related to COVID-19"

Read the article ➜

Dr. Stefano Pallanti ― "Neurocovid-19: A clinical neuroscience-based approach to reduce SARS-CoV-2 related mental health sequelae"

Watch the video ➜

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